Kranze Technology Solutions (KTS)
What We Do
KTS has and continues to integrate our systems with existing customer technologies, including aircraft and ground-based systems. These efforts have given KTS a unique background and knowledge base of many existing C2 systems within the Marine Corps. KTS has developed multiple systems to support the requirements of the USMC, enhancing the integration of air and ground-based platforms. These systems have a variety of communications technologies, including encrypted Wi-Fi, embedded firewalls, servers, databases, switches and Mobile Device Management (MDM). Existing KTS products are being implemented within command centers across the Marine Corps, already modernizing the way that command centers across the fleet are executing missions. KTS already fields systems across the Marine Corps that bridge the gap between the decision makers in the COC and the tactical units on the battlefield by using existing radios and technologies coupled with our products to speed up the kill chain, providing seamless data (i.e.; PLI, chat, digital execution checklist) between entities across the battlespace. KTS has also developed many of the MAGTAB apps that are currently on the systems fielded to the Marines, working hand in hand with the warfighter to optimize these apps for warfighting networks where users will be on and off the network sporadically. This has proven to be critical for the warfighter as C2 continues to be the center of gravity for how the Marine Corps operates. We have designed, developed, produced and deployed digital interoperability systems providing increased situational awareness capabilities to the warfighter. These systems have been tailored to meet the use case needs of the end user ranging from manpack systems, vehicular and aircraft roll on roll off installations as well as variations suited for field operations centers providing scalability and the ability to redeploy to new locations rapidly.
Categories (10)
Aerospace, Assault Amphibian Programs, Aviation Command & Control Systems, Aviation/Fixed Wing, Aviation/Helicopter, Command & Control, Communications, Systems Integration, Training and Education, Unmanned Aerials Vehicles
Exhibitor Identification
Women Owned
Des Plaines, IL
United States

Exhibitor Identification

Women Owned


U.S. Marines Utilize MAGTAB During WTI